The black pebble beach at the Sea of Galilee and the Church of the Primacy of St Peter, Tabgha, Israel.
Imagine you have rejected your closest friend. Imagine you had once committed to this friend that you would even die for them. Imagine the shame of then turning from them in their darkest hour and betraying them again and again. This is the Apostle Peter.
Yet, after Jesus is resurrected he appears to Peter again on the shores of the Sea of Galilee to remind him that he is loved beyond measure and forgiven without condition.
The cloak of shame falls off Peter. He is restored. That day, more than any other, Peter becomes the rock on which Jesus promises to build His church.
Listen in today as we visit Tabgha, the traditional location on the shores of the Sea of Galilee where this took place.
In this podcast episode, our group is along the shores as the waves lap in quietly. It’s an unforgettable experience as Hans shares.
Today, we learn:
- Why Jesus comes to us in the common things of everyday life.
- What it meant for Peter to put his cloak on before he jumped into the water.
- Three Greek words that bring illumination to the conversation between Jesus and Peter.
Listen in today to be encouraged just like Peter was.
Join our group on the shores of the Sea of Galilee now as we listen to Hans.
Listen in below:
(See photos of the Sea of Galilee at the end of this post.)
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Photos from the Sea of Galilee (all Photos Arlen Salte and Adobe):

Elsa Salte prays in the Sea of Galilee at Tabgha

Our group meditates on the shores at Tabgha

Altar over the traditional stone where Jesus broke bread with Peter

The shoreline of the Sea of Galilee at Tabgha

Hans shares with our group at Tabgha on the shores of the Sea of Galilee
Thanks. I learned some new facts about Peter. Very informative.