Hans and the group find themselves following the path of John to Ephesus. Listen in as Hans gives a message on the early Church, Domitian, and Revelation 13.
For more information on tour to the Lands of the Bible with Hans and Arlen & Elsa Salte, please visit: www.BreakForthJourneys.com
Hans speaking in front of the head and arm of the statue to Domitian
Many Biblical prophecies target the short, but extremely turbulent very last part of world history before the return of Jesus Christ to earth. We’ll discuss what will happen, why God allows it, and who the key players are.
The prophecies about the Revival in the end-times, paint an intriguing picture of a revival that will be one of a kind and driven by the most powerful visitation of the Holy Spirit that the world has ever seen.
Listen in as Hans Weichbrodt shares his heart about this compelling and inspiring prophecy.
On the barren island of Patmos, the apostle John received the key revelation for understanding the broad scope of the end-times events. You’ll be inspired to start reading the Book of Revelation with a totally new passion and joy!
Listen in as Hans Weichbrodt shares a powerful word about the future and the present.
Hans Weichbrodt sharing from the Island of Patmos with our Tour Group
Which signs of the soon return of Jesus Christ can we see here and now?
How does the Biblical prophetical picture of the end times affect us in our everyday lives? We need to be focused like never before on serving the King as faithful stewards.
Listen in as Hans Weichbrodt shares great insights to help us be better prepared.
If you would like to join Hans, Arlen & Elsa on a Break Forth Tour to the Holy Lands, please click here.
What in the world does the Apostle Paul getting a haircut have to do with the Christian message? You may be surprised.
In Ancient Greece, Kenchreai was one of the two ports of the inland city-state of Corinth. The Apostle Paul stopped at Kenchreai during his second missionary journey, where he had his hair cut to fulfill the Nazarite vow.
Listen in the Hans Weichbrodt right at the very same port where the Apostle Paul stood.
See photos below from our Break Forth Paul visit to Corinth. If you would like to join us on one of our Break Forth tour experiences to the Lands of the Bible, please click here.
The Mount of temptation is the hill in the Judean Desert where many believe this is the location where Jesus was tempted by the devil for 40 days and nights.
Do you face temptations? Of course, you do. We all do. Listen in as Hans shares how Jesus faced temptations.
Join in as Hans gives valuable insights into the Holy Spirit and how we should deal with trials and temptations in the wilderness of our own lives.
Photo From the Mount of Temptation: Break Forth Journeys
We are here now in Corinth. It is here where Paul met Priscilla and Aquila, who became faithful believers and helped Paul through his other missionary journeys. It is here where Paul stood before the Bema seat as well as wrote the books of Romans.
Listen as Hans gives a message on expanding the kingdom of God in ministry.