How To Share Y’shua With Our Jewish Friends


Our Jewish friends have been deeply hurt by actions taken against them by those who call themselves Christian. Unspeakable acts have been carried out against Jews in the name of Christ. It’s no wonder they are wary of Christians.

Yet, when we believe that Y’shua (Jesus) is “The way, the truth and the life” it is still important to share our faith. However, we need to do so in a loving, informed and respectful manner. Here is a document from Jews for Jesus that you can download and read to help you in sharing your faith. Just click here.

Arlen Salte – Times of Refreshing (Y W A M Pub, July 1, 2002)

Times of Refreshing

Order your copy of Arlen Salte’s and Tom Kraeuter’s worship devotional, Times of Refreshing. Times of Refreshing has been lauded as one of the most important worship devotionals of the past several years.


Travel Packing ‘Hacks’ for Pilgrimages

Check out these travel packing ‘hacks’ or tips for your next pilgrimage – or any travel: 

Ten Commandments for Pilgrims

Illustration by andrewgenn

Illustration by andrewgenn

When we lead people in Pilgrimages to lands of the Bible we like to have a little fun. Instead of David Letterman’s top 10 list, we figure 10 Commandments are more fitting. These are an adapted version of our ten commandments for pilgrimages. These are light hearted but following them will make this a more enjoyable experience for everyone, no matter who you are with:

  1. Thou Shalt Not be concerned about titles or positions. Let’s take the liberty to call each other by first names. (which means that wearing our name tags at all times will be important, please).
  2. Thou Shalt Not be uptight about being in a different culture with different foods or etiquette.
  3. Thou Shalt Not be uncomfortable. The climates change as we change altitudes on our trips so dress accordingly. Please also dress comfortably and casually. Please wear comfortable walking shoes.
  4. Thou Shalt Not wander off on your own or dawdle.
  5. Thou Shalt Not be uptight about people’s spiritual expression will be during communion or other Christian practices. Let’s please agree that we will allow freedom in this area. Let’s also agree that people’s preferences during communion will be respected as some may prefer grape juice, some may prefer wine and some may choose not to partake.
  6. Thou Shalt Not be bothered if some people try a local wine at a meal or if people refrain. We are very confident that with the great group of people coming along that people will not be abusive of this freedom.
  7. Thou Shalt Not whine. (Remember this contributed to the Israelites being stuck in the desert for 40 years and we’d hate to leave you in the wilderness – just kidding – sort of)
  8. Thou Shalt Not be cheap. Let’s tip our drivers, guides, waitstaff when appropriate.
  9. Thou Shalt Not be uptight about people’s different worship expressions. Some will be very expressive and others will be more reserved.
  10. Thou Shalt Not forget to take photos, or tell others what a great time you are having via email or Facebook

When we all join in together as one family and follow these 10 Commandments our pilgrimage experience will be even better than imaged.

Our Purpose


Christian Journeys is here to help ensure that your visits to Christian sites are profoundly meaningful and spiritually transformational. We will provide practical tips, spiritual insights and tools from our years of travel and hosting groups. While we conduct our own tours, we are here to help you, no matter which Christian group you travel with. Sign up for regular posts to make your pilgrimage the best that it can be.

Check out this video to see what we have planned for Break Forth Revelation 2015. It will truly be a wonderful experience beyond compare. We will visit the 7 Churches of Revelation and the Island of Patmos. This will be led by Hans, Arlen and Elsa.